Hexham steamrolleredThe County Council intends to implement a plan to build on the existing bus station site and to move its functions (bus stop, bus parking, shelters, facilities for bus operators etc.) to Priestpopple. Buses would turn by travelling up and down Battle Hill, the town’s narrowest thoroughfare, to go round a new roundabout to be created at the Benson’s Monument site.

It is understood that one of the first moves in realising this crackpot scheme will be the sale to the developer of NCC’s interests in the bus station site. This is expected to be agreed at an NCC Policy Board meeting 11 February. It is impossible to believe that this sale will take place without some understanding that planning permission will be granted for the developer’s plans. This sale would effectively, and almost literally, set in concrete without any prior consultation plans that are opposed by the majority of Hexham’s electorate and bus station users.

Two years ago a petition “We, the undersigned, want Hexham Bus Station to remain where it is. We would prefer it to be renovated.” with over 2,000 signatures was presented to NCC’s West Area Committee. The wishes of Hexham’s electorate and of bus station users as expressed have been ignored without any explanation or consultation.

We view this as a secretive, underhand and improper process that will result only in severe and irreversible damage to Hexham.


 If you agree with any of the statements above we urge you to make vigorous representations to your Town Councillor, to the Mayor, to your County Councillor, to Hexham’s MP Guy Opperman, and to anyone else you can think of to insist that these plans be put to a full consultation before any further action is taken towards their realisation.

Email contacts:

County Councillors

Colin Cessford                               colin.cessford@northumberland.gov.uk

Cath Homer                                    cath.homer@northumberland.gov.uk

Terry Robson                                 terry.robson@northumberland.gov.uk

NCC Policy Board

Grant Davey (Leader)                grant.davey@northumberland.gov.uk

Town Council

Clerk to the Council                     clerk@hexhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

(also Councillors above)

Guy Opperman, MP                    guy.opperman.mp@parliament.uk

See  Stop Press HCS Bus Station Emergency Newsletter  for poster of the above to download, print or display.